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Scan QR code
  1. Tap icon to open the camera
  2. Scan QR code

How to find item no. and QR code

How to find item no.

  1. Find the type plate on the product
  2. Here you will find item no. and QR code
  3. Enter the number to find the product on the page

Examples of nameplates:

vare nr. eksempel

Result of scan:

The camera cannot be accessed

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Elettra 160 - 170

Année: 2000

Changes in item no.

There is a difference between the item numbers shown in the drawing and the item numbers shown in the list below.

The item numbers shown on the pdf drawing are not complete.

Part number: Put 111 in front of the number ( 8520940 become 1118520940 ) Use - instead of / ( 18450050/0 becomes 18450050-0 )